The Maui Dharma Center is dependent on the beneficent and generous giving from others for its existence. The Center extends its gratitude to the community for almost 50 years of giving and entreats its patrons to continue to come forward in support of the Center. Mindful giving benefits.
Monetary donations can be made to the Center through cash, check, money order or credit card. Bequeathed estates and stock transfers are thankfully accepted. All useful, non-monetary donations and in-kind services are always appreciated. No amount of giving is too small and will not go unnoticed. Generosity is a practice of perfection.
Donate with PayPal or credit card
Donation Methods
Donations may be made here online using the button above, by mail or by phone with a credit card. See our contact page for our mailing address and phone number. Your donation will display on your statements as “Karma Rimay O Sal Ling”.
Karma Rimay O Sal Ling is a 501 (c)(3) organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions as a Public Charity operating as Maui Dharma Center. You will receive a letter acknowledging your contribution for tax purposes.
If you intend to make a recurring donation, please see the PayPal Page and select “Monthly.”
Thank you !

In the Buddhist tradition, generosity is one of the six perfections, or paramitas. There are three forms of generosity: material giving, giving the Dharma and giving protection from fear. With an attitude of generosity we encourage all three activities to support enlightened activity of body, speech and mind.